We have made a special variant of the Yab-Yum. Discreet but still powerful, she shows Buddha and Shakti united.
The Yab-Yum stands for mother / father in tantra and is represented by means of a male and a female deity in sexual union.
Representation of Yab-Yum Shaktis:
The female figure usually sits on the lap of the male.
There are different representations of the Yab-Yum sometimes the Shiva-Shaktis, Buddha-Shaktis or Vajrayana-Shaktis.
Yab-Yum has no erotic intention, but symbolizes the mystical abolition of the opposites between yin and yang,
Vajra and Ghanta, male and female.
The male active force Upaya unites in the Yab-Yum with the female wisdom Prajna.
In the symbolism of Vajrayana, the unity of the male and the female principle is formulated.
The painted motifs, which are worked as sculptures, serve to promote concentration for the connection of male and female energy in meditation.
The details:
approx. 25 cm high
approx. 15 cm wide
approx. 6kg
Material: Brass yellow-green